Don’t be fooled by clever marketing, a candle only has to contain 51% beeswax to be labeled a “beeswax candle”. All of our candles are made with 100% beeswax so you can be sure you are getting the highest quality candles available and enjoy all the benefits that these wonderful, beautiful candles provide.



This very concept has become the foundation of Busy Bees Candle Company. All of our beeswax is locally sourced from ethically minded beekeepers. You see, with each purchase of one of our candles, you're helping to save the bees. You’re supporting the American beekeepers at the frontlines of the fight for honeybee survival by using all of their products. Together, we are making a difference!

Crafted from 100% pure, locally sourced beeswax, our candles provide long burning, smokeless illumination with a subtle, natural scent which evokes earthy, yet sweet smell of honey. Beeswax is the purest and most natural of all waxes. Unlike paraffin candles, Beeswax is hypo-allergenic, great for people with allergies or other sensitivities, and for those of us who want a clean burning candle in our home.

The world is full of toxins, but we don’t think they should be in our candles. That’s why we set out to create a clean burning candle using one simple ingredient,


Created by bees, beeswax is 100% natural, non-toxic with no additives and has its own natural fragrance provided by Mother Nature! Unlike paraffin candles, beeswax candles are hypo-allergenic, great for people with allergies or other sensitivities, and for those of us that want a clean burning candle in our home.

Our beeswax candles naturally give off a luscious honey aroma. Scent varies slightly based on honey, pollen and propolis present in the beeswax. Just like honey, Beeswax varies in color.

By using locally sourced beeswax we are supporting our local beekeepers by ensuring they have a viable and sellable by-product from honey production. Beeswax is an all natural renewable resource and is the purest of all candle waxes.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1:5